Does sensory integration therapy really work?

  • Posted On : 09 December 2021

What is Sensory Integration(SI)?

  • Sensory Integration(SI)is a neurogical process, It makes sense of and organizes sensations from One’s own body and the surrounding environment.
  • Sensory Integration(SI) is necessary in order to be able to use the body effectively within theenvironment.
  • Sensory Integration(SI) is the foundation that allows for complex learning and behaviour.
  • Sensory Integration(SI) is founded on the following 7 senses. Visual, Auditory , Touch, Smell, Test, Vestibular(Pull of Gravity) and Proprioception(Body Awareness and Movement)

The Senses involve in SI gives us information about our external and internal environments.
Our Brain takes the information from the senses and use it to form a full picture of who we are,
Where we are and what is going on around us. This picture can only be formed through the critical
process of SI.
Sensory Integration Disorder(SID):
Sensory Integration Disorder(SID) / Sensory Processing Disorder(SPD) is a neurological disorder
that results from the brains inability to integrate certain information received from the body’s
sensory system.
When a child has SID their response to sensory information often appears extreme and
inappropriate for the particular situation.
Sensory Integration Disorder(SID) Sign &Symptoms:

  • Over Sensitivity to touch, movement, sights or sounds
  • Under Reactivityto touch, movement, sights or sounds
  • Specific learning difficulties/ Delays in academic achievement.
  • Difficulty in making transitions from one situation to another
  • Tendency to be easily distracted/ Limited attention control
  • Activity level that is unusually high/ Unusually low
  • Social and emotional problems
  • Difficulty in learning new movements
  • Delays in Speech Language or Motor Skills
  • Physical Clumsiness or Apparent carelessness
  • Impulsive, lacking in self control
  • Inability to unwind or calm self
  • Poor self concept/ Body awareness

SID and Comborbidity:
SID is often associated with the following disabilities and disorders-

  • Autism Spectrum
  • Learning Disabilities and ADHD
  • Language Disorders
  • Behavioral Disorders
  • Anxiety Disorders & Depression
  • Factor that contribute to SID include premature birth, Autism and other developmental
  • disorders , Learning disabilities, Stress related disorder and brain injury.

Sensory Integration DisorderTherapy:
Sensory Integration therapy is designed in such a way that makes the child want to run, play and
During Sensory Integration Therapy the child works with an occupational therapist, and sometimes
other peers, In order to perform activities that combine sensory input with motions such as

  • Swinging in a hammock (Movement through Space)
  • Dancing to music (Sound)
  • Playing with boxes filled with beans (Touch)
  • Crawling through tunnels (Touch and Movement through space)
  • Hitting Swinging balls (Eye-Hand Coordination)
  • Spinning on a chair (Balance and Vision)
  • Balancing on a beam (Balance)

Who benefits from Sensory Integration Therapy?
It is a common technique used to treat children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Learning
Disabilities, ADHD, Language Disorders, Anxiety Disorders and Depression.
There are many children, who have benefited from the services of Sensory Integration Therapy and
the effectiveness may rely less on specific disorder the child has but instead have more to do it
individual differences within the child it is used with.

Dr. Pratyus Pusparaj (BOT, SVNIRTAR)
Occupational Therapist